Frequently Asked Questions

Debunking the most commonly asked questions about disaster restoration. 

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What should I do if I have a pipe break in the house?

  • 1) Locate the shut-off valve for the main water supply line and turn it off.
  • 2) Contact a plumber to repair the pipe.
  • 3) Move and relocate all contents, especially cardboard boxes from water-saturated areas.
  • 4) Contact MJM Property Restoration, LLC to extract the water from the affected area and place dehumidification equipment to start the drying process. This activity is required to reduce any subsequent damage to structural components that may have been impacted by water and to reduce the possibility of mold developing.
  • 5) Contact your insurance company.

If I have a sump pump that has failed to operate and my basement floods, am I covered by insurance?

Only if your insurance policy states that you have coverage. Typically, if your policy does not initially cover this type of loss, you can purchase additional coverage for sump pump failures, although most insurance companies have minimum limits of coverage that they will allow for this.

If my roof has a leak, is the water damage inside of my residence covered by insurance?

Typically, if the water damage is classified sudden and incidental. The damage inside of your residence is covered, although if it is determined by the insurance company that your roof shingles are in need of replacement due to age, the roof would not be covered and would have to be repaired prior to the interior repairs being performed.

If the city is cleaning the storm sewers on my block and causes a sewer back-up in my basement, will my insurance company cover the damage?

Typically, the insurance company does not cover damage to your residence unless you have purchased additional coverage for this.

If my finished basement had a flood two days ago and the water receded, can I clean the affected drywall with Clorox to sanitize and save the drywall?

Drywall acts as a sponge. If you did not contact a company immediately to extract the water and place dehumidification equipment for structural drying, the likelihood is that the drywall’s structural integrity has been compromised and will have to be removed and replaced.

I recently moved some boxes away from my storage room in my finished basement and noticed what looked like mold growing on the drywall. Will my insurance company cover the removal of the mold and the subsequent repairs?

First, it is important to determine what caused the mold to grow on the drywall. Typically, it is a water leak that has gone unnoticed for a period of time. It is important to repair the water leak as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Most insurance companies do not cover mold removal, although some insurance companies offer additional minimum coverage for an additional cost.

Disclaimer: The answers that were given to the above-referenced questions are not to be taken as insurance company and/or legal advice. It is important that you discuss your insurance coverage with your insurance agent and understand your policy thoroughly.